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Teas in TCM

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Brief History

Tea is one of the most popularly consumed drinks and is believed to treat several health problems. Tea has been consumed by the people of China for the past 2000 years. It is considered as one of the essential ingredients along with firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar. Tea is believed to clear the mouth and gum post a meal. The tradition of having tea after a meal became popular during the Tang Dynasty. The routine followed by rinsing it a few times and drinking the remaining beverage was drunk to clear their body.

Types of Teas

​The commonly called “Cha” or the Camellia Sinesis in Latin for tea has many health benefits in the field of Traditional Chinese medicine and is one of the most commonly consumed beverages. The green leaves are considered magical herbs with antioxidants. The processing of the herb converts the cooling property into a neutral property. Thus, boosting metabolism. Below are the properties of the main types of teas:

  • Properties of Black Tea: The tea has two flavours: sweet and bitter. The tea is believed to regulate qi circulation, and water and eliminate toxins

  • Properties of Green Tea: Flavours: sweet and bitter. The leaves have cooling properties. It helps to refresh the body, enhance the human mind, and increase concentration. Also, it aids in enhancing fluid production and digestion

  • Properties of Oolong Tea: Flavours: sweet, fruity, fresh, and complex aromas based on the combination during the production. The tea helps in preventing tooth decay, reduces skin irritations, and regulates body temperature

  • Properties of White Tea: Flavours: fruity and sweet. It is believed to have clear heating effects and detoxify the body. It is also used to cure measles, teeth ache, and high fever

​The teas can be further customized into different types keeping the basic four types of tea, below are the different types of tea produced:


​Consumption of tea has the below following advantages:

  • Clears liver heat and relaxes the body: The bitter and sweet taste in tea has cooling characteristics that help in relaxing the body and organs. A cup tea with breakfast or lunch will improve memory, increase energy levels, and balance emotions for the entire day

  • Promotes bowel movements by removing blocks in the digestive system: The beverage is believed to benefit people with passing winds, bad breath, ulcers in the mouth, and constipation. These are the indications of the accumulation of toxins in the large intestine. Hence, tea helps in clearing oils and flushes the toxins

  • Clears toxins: Daily consumption of the beverage helps in flushing out chemicals such as pollution, alcohol, and artificial food additives consumed

  • Clears summer heat: Constipation is an indication of too much heat accumulated in the body. Hence, green tea with its cooling properties cools down the body temperature and helps in hydrating the body. It is also believed that the headaches caused by the heat could be cured by having tea

  • Boosts immune system: As the beverage is used to removed toxins in the body it automatically boots the immunity system


The beverage has a number of advantages but it may not suit all body types. Hence, it is very important to consult a TCM practitioner before the consumption of certain teas. Below are the precautions to take while consuming tea:

  • Green tea has caffeine content. Hence, it should be avoided in the late evening so that the sleep cycle is not affected

  • Children under the age of 12 are not advised to have tea

  • The right combination of tea should be consumed for better results

  • Also, it should be noted that they are taken with the right proportion as the excess of any tea may lead to further health complication

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